Paul Wertanen Photography

I always had a passion for photography ever since I got my first camera as a gift. I cannot remember when I got that camera, but I do remember when I took that next step and purchased my first 35mm camera. It was a Minolta X-7 that I purchased when I joined that Navy. That camera traveled with me on many of my adventures while in that Navy and for years after. Eventurally, after practicing photography on and off for serveral decades, that camera gave way to my first digital camera, a Nikon D3300. Digital photogaphy allowed me to refine my photogaphy and take it to the next level.

I have been privilegedable to photograph many places. During the early years I documented my travels with the Navy. My first 35mm camera went with me to places that went from Virginia, France, Spain, Israel, Italy, Egypt, Canada and many places in thg Caribbean. Later, my Nikon camera would travel with me throughout the continental United States, from Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, Tennessee and many places in between. This is when I found satisfaction in photographing landscapes and wildlife.

I have since found the ability to create videos. My goal is to allow business and individuals to promote their business or give people a platform to express themselves. I have invested in several pieces of software and hardware that allows me to provide professional videos for my clients.

This is for future use.
This is for future use.